Calendar of events 2009
May 4: Board Meeting – Village Inn on Academy just north of Austin Bluffs PKWY– Dinner @ 6:30 pm – meeting @ 7:30 pm
May 5, 12, 19 & 26: Tuesday Work Session – 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
May 1, 8, 22 & 29: Friday Work Session – 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
May 15: Business Meeting – Club Room – 7:00 pm
May 16 & 17: MTL repair work session at Charley's see below
May 2, 9, 16, 23 & 30: Saturday Run Session – 9:00 am to 11:00 am
June 1: Board Meeting – Village Inn on Academy just north of Austin Bluffs PKWY– Dinner @ 6:30 pm – meeting @ 7:30 pm
June 2, 9, 16, 23, & 30: Tuesday Work Session – 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
June 5, 12, & 26: Friday Work Session – 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
June 19: Business Meeting – Club Room – 7:00 pm
June 6, 13, 20, & 27: Saturday Run Session – 9:00 am to 11:00 am
MTL Repair Session

As some of you know many of the braces on the MTL need to be replaced do to cracking or are just worn out. For those that can help we will meet at Charley's house to work on the MTL. Saturday May 16 from 9 am to 4 pm and Sunday May 17 from 10 am to 4 pm. We are going to try and use two man crews to work on the modules so if you can participate let Charley or me know so we have enough work stations. At this time we four people. What we don't get done on this weekend we will schedule another. If the weather doesn't cooperate we will postpone the work session.

Georgetown Mining & Railroad Days

The event will be held on May 23 & 24 from 10:30 am to 4 pm both days with tear down on Sunday. We are still waiting for the final details of this year's event in Georgetown. For those who went last year we had a great time. We have 5 people signed up to go so we are hoping we can setup Friday night.

Club Train Trips

Trip 1: The club will be riding the Royal Gorge Route on August 8, 2009. We will be riding in the Vista Dome Car for better viewing. The cost is $49.25 for adults and $18:30 for children 3-12. We plan on taking the 3:30 pm train and the ride is about 2 hours. We need 16 people to get the discount prices above so if you wish to ride on this trip get your reservations in a club officer as soon as possible so we can make the reservations as the train is filling up fast already.

Trip 2: The Georgetown Loop. We need to have 20 or more people for this trip to receive the discount. We have not set a date for this trip but will do so at the May business meeting.

Trip 3: Cripple Creek Railroad. We scheduled this trip for September 26 so we could view the aspen which should be putting on a good show by that time. Prices are $10.75 for adults, $9.75 for seniors 65 and above and children are $6.25. We are looking for enough people so we can make reservations as a group. The club is asking that if you sign up for any of these trips to have the money in 30 days before the trip so we can pay the tab. There will be signup sheets for all these trips in the club room. If you have friends or relatives that would like to go sign them up.

Club Field Trips

Trip 1: Pueblo Air & Railroad Museums: we are working on the dates for this all day trip

Trip 2: Colorado Railroad Museum: We have set the date of July 12 for this trip. It is the 50th anniversary of the museum. Prices are $12 for adults, $10 for seniors 60 & up. We can receive a 15% discount if we have a group of 20 or more so sign up for this event. The museum will be running steam & at least one of the Galloping Geese.

Trip 3: Camp Hale Campout: This will be at least a two day camping trip. Mike is working on a campsite that will work for us. Need to know if you are interested in this trip as you may need to reserve a camp site for yourself. This will probably be in June or August.

Trip 4: Denver & New Orleans: this will be a one day trip to view what is left of the old road grade in El Paso and Elbert counties. Mike will be the guide for El Paso and Lester will be the guide for Elbert. We should have some of these trips scheduled at the May business meeting. So come to the meeting and sign up if you are interested.

Modules for Sale

We will be putting signs on the modules in the club room that are for sale. If anyone is interested in anyone of them they may purchase them from the club at the following prices. The 2'X4' gravel pit module is going for $90.00. The 2'X3-1/2' module is going for $65 and one corner module is going for $75.

Station Master

The club has a new Station Master. Bob LaHair was elected to take over for Steve Peters who had to move because of work. Congratulations Bob.