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Calendar of events 2009
March 2: Board Meeting – Place to be determined – Dinner @ 6:30 pm – meeting @ 7:30 pm
March 20: Business Meeting – Club Room – 7:00 pm
March 3, 10, 17, 24 & 31: Tuesday Work Session – 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
March 6: Friday Work Session – 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
March 13, 14, 15 & 16: Boot Hill Show – see below
March 27 & 28: TECO Show – see below
April 6: Board Meeting – Place to be determined – Dinner @ 6:30 pm – meeting @ 7:30 pm
April 17: Business Meeting – Club Room – 7:00 pm
April 7, 14, 21 & 28: Tuesday Work Session – 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
April 3, 10 & 24: Friday Work Session – 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
April 4, 11, 18 & 25: Saturday Run Session – 9:00 am to 11:00 am
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We loaded the MTL just after noon and headed for the Monument Park & Ride. Carpooled over to Rosie's diner for lunch and then on to Denver. We arrived around three and were up and running around 4:30. We had ten members to help with the setup. Great job everyone. We had a good crowd on Saturday and were busy answering questions all day. Sunday was a little slower. We received many compliments on our layout. Receive many suggestions of updating the prison module to more current crooks. I believe this could be done by small signs on the walls and the promise of future expansion or adding new wings to the prison. I later found out that the show was a bust as far as the vendors go. People were complaining about having to pay seven dollars to get in and seven dollars a day to park. There were not as many vendors this show and some of them said they would not be back. Boot Hill Show – March 14 & 15
We will load the MTL at 8 am on the morning of Friday the 13th and then head out. The Boot Hill Club was supposed to be at the GTE show but they did not show up so I contacted Henry Turner and he didn't know that they didn't come up. He said their show is still going on and gave me directions on how to get to the fair grounds. We will be entering from the west side instead of the east side and will be in a bigger building than last show. TECO III – March 28
TECO III is rolling right along. As of Wednesday Feb. 25 129 vendor tables have been sold. If you wish to sell some stuff you are not using and would like a table contact Mike Peck. Tables are now $20 each. Two people can go together and purchase one table The tables will be setup the same way as before and the layouts will be in the back. Clubs and vendors can setup any time after 12 noon on Friday March 27th. For those of you who said they would help load the MTL, we will load at 5:30 pm and head over to the Crown Plaza to setup. We will meet everyone else at the hotel to setup. The doors open at seven am to get setup and running and the early bird buyers come in at 7:30 am then the show is open to the public at 9 am. The show will operate to 3 pm but if the room is full of customers we will stay open a little longer. There will be added security on the east doors so if you do not pickup your name tag on Friday as setup you will need to get it at the registration table in the front. You will not have access to the ballroom without a name TECO name tag. Be sure to let Mike know if you plan to work the show so he can get you a name tag. New Members
During the February business meeting we voted to accept three new members into the club. The new members are Steve McWhirt, Bob LaHair, & Steve Peters. So if you have not met them say hello. Club Train Trip & Club Field Trip
It's time to start planning a club train trip for 2009. Some of the suggestions brought up at the meeting were Royal Gorge route, Rio Grande Southern, The Summer Ski Train, The UP Rodeo Train, Santa Fe Train ride, and the Pueblo Train ride. If you have other trips in mind bring them to the March business meeting and we'll add them to the list and then vote on the ones we would like to take. Ideas for club field trips for this summer include Tiny Town, Camp Hale camp out & exploration, further explorations of the DSP&P RR, and a trip to the Pueblo Railroad museum. If you have some other ideas for a field trip bring them to the business meeting so we can add them to the list. Club Jackets, Shirts, & Name Tags
As of this writing we have a few people signed up for jackets and shirts. We need at least 12 items to receive a discount and we have a combination of 11 orders. If you would like a jacket or a new shirt please sign up on the signup sheet on the club bulletin board so Mike can get the order sent in. Mike is also taking orders for club name tags. Let him know if you want one and he will get them ordered. Prices should be available at the business meeting.